The Next 30 Day Detox Group starts

Book Here

When you complete this Program you will know:
The proper order for detoxing the body and why.
How to prevent problems associated with detoxing if the proper order is not followed.
The MUST HAVE Foods, Super Foods, Herbs and nutrients key for detoxing the body
Signs and Symptoms to look out for during a detox and how to resolve the "detox flu" if you develop it.
How to read and understand a food label.
How to identify best foods to choose and foods to limit or avoid and why.
How to identify quality supplements and herbal products
How to interpret new information about food, nutrition and supplements that is ever changing.
How to limit and avoid exposures to toxins that may be preventing you from reaching your health and wellness goals.
Lifestyle supports that are key for supporting detoxification
The best places to purchase quality products at reduced prices

4 Weekly 1 Hour Counseling sessions $300.00
4 weeks of weekly "office hours" along with unlimited email access to your Nutritionist $200.00
The BNH DETOX eBook with symptom tracker, weekly meal plans, grocery lists and recipes and recommendations upon completion: $30.00
30 Days of Detox Herbal Supplements included for Colon cleanse, Parasite Cleanse, Liver Cleanse, Kidney, Blood and Lymphatic Cleanses: $225.00
Group Forum Support $50.00
BNH Supplement Carrying Cases: $27.50
BNH Herbal Tea Recipe Book: $27.50
Certificate of Participation and Completion along with Discount Codes for future BNH services and Products: ($25 - $150)
Total: $910.00
But we are offering this today at $375.00
for a value savings of $535.00
Detox Package Cost

We Are offering a 50% off Discount

This is a savings of $450.00

You only Pay
$455.00 for the Entire 30 Day DETOX

If 30 Days is a Bit Much for You Right Now,then
Consider our 14 Day Mini Detox Group
You get all of the perks of the 30 Day without the same time commitment.
You can still expect to improve energy, lose weight and feel great!