Wellness for Dancers & Athletes

Book a
Dancer Wellness Presentation
for your School or Company
Are you or your dancer's struggling with:
body weight
stress fractures
frequent injuries
reduced stamina
ongoing pain between classes or performances
If you answered yes to any or all of these, this presentation is for you. Learn, information you won’t hear from your doctor about achieving optimal weight, improving energy and stamina and reducing injuries, aches and pains.
This program provides a hands on interactive "Scripted Play: Healthy Dancing Bones" where dancers act out the parts of whole foods, minerals, vitamins and more to get a comprehensive education on the physiology and biochemistry of how nutrients work in the body to support healthy bones and tissue repair to reduce injury. This interactive play provides a clear and FUN illustration of the importance of eating adequate amounts of whole foods daily.

Check out these newsletters / educational materials I created for Kirov Academy of Ballet DC when I served as their Wellness Nutritionist.
Let Our Nutritionist Create a Newsletter Series Just for Your School, featuring wellness issues important to you.
Contact Njeri Kai Jarvis to learn more
NKJarvis@BNHwellness.com or 202-390-4938
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is the aching feeling that sets in after 12 – 24 hours of dancing. The aching feeling is a side effect of the repair process. As your body heals, microscopic muscle-fiber tears.
Learn 8 Tips to Help Support your recovery.
Check out our 6 Spice Anti-Inflammatory Tea. It is a perfect support for relieving DOMS.